Thursday, July 9, 2009

Wedding guestbook?

do you think it's a good idea for a wedding?

where do you put it? i mean do guests sign it at the end of the reception, or what?

Wedding guestbook?
At the ceremony I'm having an actual guestbook, and the attendant will be in charge of it to try to have guests sign as they come in.

At the reception we purchased a large photo frame and mat that holds a 5x7 in it at Hobby Lobby, and we're having everyone sign the autograph mat then.
Reply:Great idea. I had one at mine and just passed it round during the reception. It's great to look back through it now and again - it's brings back happy memories of the day!
Reply:Put it on a table but allocate someone (bridesmaids?) to take it around at some point and make people sign it otherwise a lot of people won't remember/get round to it!

It's a good idea if you like that kind of thing, another idea is to get someone with a video camera to get people to say a few words to camera.

I'm probably going to do that (I get married in two weeks) as we don't have much storage space as it is without adding another thing with sentimental value to try and look after!
Reply:yu have it on table at beginning of the receiption and all sign it
Reply:Yes, it's nice to have. You put it at a table set up at the entrance to the reception, so they sign when they come in for cocktails and dinner.
Reply:We had ours at our reception. Near the gift table. Guests will sign as they arrive. It's fun to read later and remember who was all there.
Reply:yes really nice and to know what ppl thought of it all,
Reply:Guest books come in many forms. Basically its a way to remember who was there and any wishes that they wrote to you, you can look back on it.

There are books with lines. There are videos. There are loose postcards which can be tied together in a little book after the wedding. Or you can get an unlined book, set out colored pens and a Polaroid camera and each guest can create a page.

Whatever you do, ask someone to oversee it- either a bridesmaid or someone special who was not in the wedding party and you want to give them a job. She can check throughout the evening that everyone gets to it-- if you just set it out, some people will forget to do it.

Reply:guest books are pretty graet, but alot of people are going for those huge frames with a photo in the center of you two, they can write all over it and whatnot...but i would do both if you wanna know the truth, the photos are so huge, and putting them up and having them look nice is crazy...

but word of advise, my friend did one of those platters with the engraving pen, it didnt work as well, and she has no type of guest book knowing who was there and wasnt, so advoid that honestly...but the platters that use pens are nice as well..
Reply:Im getting married on 13 september 2008 at the hydro hotel in eastbourne and they are putting it on a special table by the door,so when people are milling about they can sign at their leisure
Reply:I had a guetbook and i got my usher to take it round at the eveing recepion and before that it was left on a table at the drinks reception before the meal
Reply:Depends of the type of memories you want from your wedding. Over the years you can loose touch with so many people or sad events can happen so it can be lovely to look back on the good wishes whether they be sentimental, funny whatever. You can choose where you want to put the guest book, have it passed round or whatever. In all honesty if it is a big wedding it is unlikely everyone will sign it, owing to dancing etc or just too many around the table signing when a person was going to do it and forgot to return. However, it is still lovely to get so many good wishes. Again if you think it is a bit soppy and just not your things then you just don't have one.
Reply:Just leave it at the entrance buy the table cards. It is a nice feature that most couples like. It is good to read later and see what people have to say. It does not have to be a book. I went to a wedding were the couple were big sports fans so they had footballs to sign.

Good Luck and Best wishes with the wedding and the marriage.
Reply:we are having a poloroid guest book. when the guests arrive they have their photo taken and when the photo is dry we are getting the guests to put their message at the bottom. so in the future when we look back you can see what everyone looked like, what they were wearing and have a personal message from them.
Reply:What is a guest book? What is it for? Surely you know who is attending your wedding. Is it another product from the wedding industry because I've never come across one?
Reply:Yes we are having one - and we'll put it near the main buffet so people can come along and write something in it. Nice idea.
Reply:Sometimes you have a guest book attendant maybe like a younger sister who isn't in the ceremony or a aunt, cousin etc to attend the book. Basically they stand there prior to the ceremony and make sure everyone signs the book. Otherwise you put it on a stand or table and just hope everyone signs
Reply:sweetxgrace had a good idea! I've seen something similar and thought it was an excellent idea! It was done on a slightly larger scale, with a photographic mat designed for an 8X10 portrait in the primary wedding colour, and it was put out with a gold ink pen for the guests to sign. After the wedding the couple had a really special frame for one of their wedding photos that will be seen a lot more than a 'guest book' full of mostly empty pages that will be quickly relegated to book shelf if not a junk drawer!

So not only is it nicer and more useful, it's less expensive too :)

And yes they had it set up at the entrance to the reception hall... anyone who didn't get a chance to sign on the way in could sign on the way out :)
Reply:we had a toast master who took it around the tables whilst the speeches were going on.

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