Monday, July 13, 2009

Guestbook / Chatroom Scripts? - HELP!?

I need a script either: HTML, Javascript or PHP that allows people who access my website comment such as a blog.

People who answer the best will be chosen best answer.

Guestbook / Chatroom Scripts? - HELP!?
If you want the comment saved it has to be php (or ASP if you're on a Microsoft server). Do a web search for php scripts or download for ASP scripts. As far as adding them to your particular blog, you'll have to do that yourself, since every blog will require different coding. Chat can be done in Javascript but, again, you'll have to customize any script you find. (You can't "do" anything in HTML, since HTML isn;t programming, it's content.)
Reply:Or else you may contact a script developer live below.

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